Heliot Barthelemy

Keeping a city's residents alive is barely my responsibility, is what Heliot would say if he was interviewed by Ichorstain's nonexistent journalists. It's probably better that they don't exist too, otherwise there would be riots over his attitude.


Money, money, money is Heliot Barthelemy's life motto, and any money that comes his way ends at him. He has no interest in distributing the money that he considers to be his to the dragons of Ichorstain, and to be fair, if Paddingknoll has noticed, they certainly haven't complained. He seems to be genuinely unaware that the money given to him is not to line his pockets but to be distributed to the suffering residents of Ichorstain. His sliminess can be perceived by everyone, even though he hides away in his home or office, and the only thing holding together his office from being seized and destroyed by the discontent in Ichorstain is the general sense of defeat that permeates the city. And of course, his powerful mother who got him the position as well as his well-paid legion of bodyguards. That helps too.





His skin is a pale red.

Facial features:

His dark red eyes suit his red body and hair.


His hair is a darker red which he ties back in a unruly ponytail.


He is physically weak and at 5'5", his bodyguards often need to manhandle him in physically volatile situations, and he is a giant baby about it. His tail is small and stumpy, to his own irritation.

He generally dresses in linen or cotton, to the dismay of both his mother and his bodyguards, the former who would prefer him to wear something much more fitting of his socioeconomic status, and the latter who would prefer for him to wear something more fitting of the fact that he is loathed by the city he resides in. Regardless of his preferences however, his bodyguards browbeat him as often as possible into some armor before they step outside.



Playing dolls and writing vengeful letters that he never gets to send due to his bodyguards routinely intercepting them before they lead to his assassination.


Golden Featherfin.


Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock


He's like if Daffy Duck was a mayor and allowed to do anything like that one episode of The Looney Tunes Show (Dear John S2E12).

See Also:

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